A Stitch in Time…Going Past the Middle

A Stitch in Time…Going Past the Middle

Well, I feel like the Garden is passing out of the middle of the growth stage, and is slowly showing signs of relaxing and letting its blooming and harvesting come into plentiful beauty. What a marvelous view we have as we relax into all its senses and abundance of green, the abundance of color and fragrances that make you stop and drink in the scents. I have felt the relaxation myself, knowing that the plants are enjoying a sense of ease and just sparkling in the sunlight and rain, no longer pressured into producing. The perennials will return in the Spring, and the annuals are shooting their seeds everywhere hoping to hide in a clump of dirt and maybe, just maybe, return in Spring too!

As a metaphor for myself, I too feel the change of season coming slowly and preparation for reflection on what has been gained over time and with effort.  I have grown so much with this Garden this Summer. I have become a tender of the postage stamp garden, and it has stamped me with unbelievable detail and I have learned to follow and appreciate its gift to me. I have grown in strength physically and emotionally as I service its needs. In this community we are imprinted daily by Alcemically using Imprintsial Patterns, visual collages, published books and flip-books for navigation, as a community of Intention. Does this sound familiar for the growth process for creating a Garden??  We are now open to harvesting all that has fed us and prepared to share it with the world. This month is my birthright and I claim my Intention to become more, I am ready for Autumn and what it will bring me!

Enjoy Clarity’s vision of this new season!!

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