A Stitch in Time………The Geraniums are starting to bloom!!

In the cellar that is. They did that last year and I was amazed that they sensed Spring coming. And today they are doing the same thing, just barely, but buds are opening. Do they sense an earlier Spring? Mother Nature has her way of letting us know that change is coming. This has been an almost snowless Winter, so unusual. We have been here for 24 years, it has been fun to be outside more because of the up and down temperatures. As I stepped out to the garden today I noticed that tiny shoots from our tulips in the Bear garden starting to wake up, that was fun! It is definitely too early to start clipping back the roses and other perennials, so I’ll put my clippers back in the garden shed for another week. I guess I’ll just keep myself busy putting holiday things away and rooting out Spring decorations to satisfy my excitement about warmer temperatures.

Don’t get me wrong, I treasure the Winter cold or I wouldn’t be in Maine, but I also treasure the long Spring too. I truly appreciate each season here on the coast of Maine, each season is allowed its own unique weather. As a community, we live each one to the fullest, that’s why we honor our Garden of the Red Thread. I don’t want to worry the Geraniums, they don’t have much longer to wait!! We will let them out as soon as it’s safe!!

Have a look at our past Springs, captured in Clarity’s collage…….

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