A Stitch in Time…..Always Reaching forward……..

For that part of myself that Knows and Feels the depth of my purpose in this life, and that I have the ability to Recognize its Presence when there is work to be done. This work is not always physical but also inner magic that is awaiting participation from Me. That Being that lives within a physical realm, and listens to a Spiritual beat. There is much to be gathered in this realm on a daily basis, not just on an occasional whim! The pressures from a world wanting all things handed to it in small packages is struggling with what the realm is handing over to be lived in abundance and safety. This is what has been handed to the people, Patterns that reach out and stimulate the optic nerve and heartbeat. In its simplest form, they can bring one’s life into a balanced existence.

They are what keeps me alive and trusting in the benefits given to us by the Spiritual Realm. What is not easily understood can be allowed Time for that total concept to manifest itself. Is that not the most amazing miracle one could ask for?? When I have fallen into that moment of self doubt, I have to grab hold and reach further, as far as it takes, to grab hold of a Pattern’s insight and hang on for the ride back to Myself!! Our family lives in such an environment, and steadfastly shares with the digital world daily the Patterns for imprintation. So I daily, moment to moment support my reach for the more of this Life.

There is always a supportive image close at hand, for which I am grateful, Clarity draws from their Source to share their gifts…….

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