Winter 2023

Winter invites time for reflection, exploration & play

Here are some of our winter musings…


The coldest day of the year, so far…

All bundled up on this very unusually cold winter’s day in Maine (-15F, with wind chills -40F)

We love how invigorating the winter air feels and are so grateful to be able to walk together to get fresh ocean air. Water and air are our elements.


Celebrating each day

We can always count on these two to help us ring in the new year and celebrate the holidays and everyday with style and pizzaz!


Where cooking & music meet together

This has been one of our favorite tools to use in the kitchen of our sacred community as it blends our creative expression and passion for making homemade food and music …


Inspiring Oracles

Using Oracles helps give us insight and discover more of what we are reaching and seeking for - we love having breakfast by the ocean with hot coffee, a breakfast wrap, and intuitively choosing a page from one of our favorite oracles, Meditation, Intention, Creation and Potency Oracle (by Clarity)


Daily Rhythms

For us, the daily rhythms vary from day to day, however there is a similar note and inner rhythm we try to tap into that seems to remain a form of constancy

…especially intentioning a deeper, more sacred and meaningful connection with ourselves and with the Divine, by being as present to the moment as we can and to listen to the whispers of what may be emerging inside these moments


Tuning In

Listening to the very beat of our hearts, following a rhythmic flow and tuning into our intuitive senses within the everyday moments, whether we are cooking in the kitchen or playing piano


The Surrender…

Whether we are moving our fingers across the keys of the piano or are poking holes in focaccia dough, a surrender must happen

There is an intention to go to a place of deep listening and allow for intuitive movement where nothing is planned ahead of time - the surrender allows for bliss and magic to happen


Pocketing Our Intentions

Our fingers are the extensions of ourselves which can create pockets - pocketing our intentions and keeping them focused, allowing ourselves to feel the Divine connection that threads itself through our fingers


Playing the Dough

We’re really giving ourselves visual, tactile & auditory reminders to pocket ourselves, in the most delicious of ways

True enjoyment and delight, being inside the flow of dough


Love those pockets!

This pocketing helps connect us into “a rhythmic alliance and expressionary flow,” as Clarity Artists wrote in one of their recent flipbooks titled All the Pieces of Our World have Rhythms 

Savor the Flavor

Those pockets that hold the drizzled olive oil, salt & herbs and create space inside the bread for a sense of airiness & levity in every bite

When we eat it, we are consuming all the layers of corrugated intentions and consciousness held in those pockets!


Where the magic is

An additional layer to the magic is how, in the middle of winter, we get to use the gifts of dried herbs & herb-infused olive oils from the garden from this past summer!



Our hands join together, in a wedded circumference, pocketed in creativity, love and nurturance for each other and for nurturing those we love with homemade food and intuitive music, inspired by the life work of Clarity.