March 2024 - Tapping into the Flow

The river, the ultimate water element, a sacred place for us - where water and air meet, where birds and fish play. There is a sound that comes from flowing water that soothe the soul, eases the mind and opens the heart. We are taken by the beauty and the constant flow that pumps through the veins of Mother Nature. The flow of abundance, creativity, love, and life can be represented by water.

Like a river, life has showed us many times of wild rapids, chaos, and strong waters crashing against rocks with powerful force, then shows how to be energizing, gentle and steady.

During this time between winter and spring seasons, we are inquiring about so many areas - where to put our creative energy? Which direction will give us the greatest ease and flow to access steady income as well as our passions? What can we do to ensure our openness and connectedness to the Divine, ourselves and each other? What do we want to pour ourselves into creatively? How much abundance are we getting ready to receive? So much is going on in the world too.

The Light Imprinstial Patterns help support us and help bring clarity to any situation that we are working with, such remarkable tools to have access to, helping ourselves so we can help others and the world.

(Mycelial Light Imprinstial Pattern by Clarity - from the Celtic Deck (entire deck available on - This is the pattern we intuitively chose to help us navigate these waters which hold so much information)

Just thinking about seeds and how they just know intrinsically that they are getting ready to become something more, even in the dark. They just trust and go with the flow. Nature makes it look easy. It is inspiring.

It’s easy for us (and probably everyone else too) to feel feel overwhelmed with waiting, with change, transition, with the unknown. Its hard to be patient sometimes. And there are times where it feels like we can’t seem to get our head above the water. Somehow, though, the Universe always manages to send us a life boat and snorkels with flippers to help make our needs and expanded needs met. And we are so grateful.

So we let go, surrender to the unknown with a white flag, and tap into the steady flow that life does bring as an opportunity each day. We can learn so much from the rivers, the seeds and the elemental world of nature.

Another favorite water spot in Camden, Maine

We are setting our table to honor all parts of us, including the ones that are difficult to look at, feel or acknowledge. Intentioning to nourish all of our emotions (energy in motion) in order to help us be Real, be balanced and be accepting of all our beauty and beastial ways - to help us remember that we need it all - just like how the seed needs the dark, the light, sun, water and all the elements.

We are at the point now where we are registering that it’s worth the risk to start nourishing and accepting all parts of ourselves. So we are pulling up many chairs to our table, and grabbing our paddles, tucking our feet into the side pockets of our boat to anchor in to ride the wild river of life together, tapping into the flow that rhythms and pulses through our veins too.

Music in the background by Gabriel’s Sound (inspired by the work of Clarity)

By Clarity