A Stitch in Time………Feeling a rumble

A rumble means the slow moving of a new sensation that lets you know that life is living just below the surface, and you best be prepared for its arrival at any moment! That is what March has always meant to me. You are just not quite sure what is making all that vibration, but you know to be prepared! In the Garden Plan we sit into as a community, March/April always brings the enthusiastic doer into a state of awareness bubbling with excitement and new ideas. Even our winter sanctuary garden in the cellar is starting to bend their heads to the sunlight coming through the windows, stretching as they sense a change. Bringing them a sense of who they are and what they will grow into this year.

It is no different for our human nature to feel that irresistible warmth that comes seeping in through the windows and doors. Internally that begins to move our minds and hearts into openings that have felt sheltered for months. Our work in our community brings us closer to the insight that shows us where our world is in need of new growth, and where to begin turning over the soil to see where we are in our journey. The rumblings means that we are on the move into more deep rich soil of the Divine mystery!! And that is good. The winter has shared much growth in ourselves, we have received with open hearts and minds, and we will grow so much stronger as we move outward. Allow the rumble…embrace what it has to give!!

Feel the message of Clarity’s image to lift you into something new!!

Sandra Stevens1 Comment