A Stitch in Time……..Rain, Snow, Ice…….a mantra!

It has been January’s weather mantra, and looks as if it will be February’s too. But of course this is Winter on the coast of Maine…and we love it! It is just that I don’t think I had registered the pattern in the past. I have always waited for the first snowfall and been excited like a child, but as the years have passed, my confidence in manipulating myself in it has waivered. And I have felt a loss in this change, as if my body is being stubborn about its ability to handle that change of surfaces. I am grateful for the support of coastal temperatures that have made it only temporary, bringing rain to soften the surfaces again.

That is how we live in the Big Red House, always allowing Change to come in time, so that we walk with ease through each day. I would say my mantra each day is Imprint, Access, and Activate an Imprintsial Pattern, here there and everywhere. Having such a resource that you can depend fully on in every moment keeps my direction steady and full steam ahead!! It takes perseverance to hold on, but the benefits are worth a life of sovereignty. Tonight snow is forecast for 12 hours, and for those 12 hours, I will be grateful for whatever beauty I get to see, and smell, and watch the world soften and receive the sparkles we all need to thrive!!

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