A Stitch in Time…….Groundhogs and Hedgehogs

Yes, it’s that time of the year to honor our furry, sometimes prickly totems. They bring us insights and warnings of our future. Their messages can be loud and clear, or just a loving respect for us so that we can find our own way through life by being loving and compassionate towards ourselves and others. I have been fascinated with Beatrix Potter’s stories about Mrs Tiggywinkle and her busy, busy life in caring for all her neighbors. So much so that I am surrounded with Her presence in all manner of size, color and expression. She keeps me humble and very happy with each of her serious eyes and textures. My family knows that she is always received as a precious gift anytime of the year . Being a Virgo sun sign, I relate to the grounded creatures, and appreciate their devotion to the earth.

I am sure that that is the reason for my diving deeply into our Garden Plan this past spring and summer. I need that relationship with Mother Gaia to know myself deeply. Even through this Winter I have tended to our geraniums and herbs and grasses and ornamental plants in our cellar sanctuary for them. Keeping them together has given us all a sense of continuous warmth that feels so comforting in the cold. Our sprouts have given us yummy greens to nibble on and smell their greenness so precious to our emotions. There’s always the sense of new life and future to be had! We definitely love the winter weather that slows us down to rest and replenish, and allow time for our senses to dream even bigger dreams, and share even more with the World.

But there is that trickle of excitement seeping in of what the Garden Plan has in store for us to grow in. So I will snuggle for another month or two, while Mr. Groundhog finishes his napping, storing up energy for the next cycle of 2024!

I can always count on Clarity’s collages to remind of what might be right around the corner in a month or two also……

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